Student Athletes of Texas (SAT) is
an organization founded on a promise that "WE" the staff of SAT, can
and should work together with the parents for our mutual benefit of stimulating
and developing young minds. We will always be dedicated to integrity,
accountability, cooperativeness when it comes to guiding a child or assisting a
parent. SAT provides the youth of Texas an opportunity to compete athletically
while maintaining a high level of integrity. In the upcoming year we anticipate more
than 1,200 players from several communities within the state to participate in
the SAT sports programs. Our goal through youth sports is to help develop the
mental and physical well-being of the participants. SAT's goal is to be the
premier youth sports organization in the state. The various programs are open
to children from ages 4-17. All of our programs are available to all children
of Texas through multiple registration dates throughout the year. Participants
are taught that through good sportsmanship and fair play, competitive game play
can occur while providing a fun, learning experience.